Jill Stewart – 30 April 2019

I am taking part in a #meetthemaker type thing so here goes. I am Jill, I have been making things out of metal for many years now. I mainly make jewellery and clocks.
I remember as a child finding making things absorbing beyond all else, and loved it especially when the things I was dealing with were really small!
I think that’s where it comes from, my studio is a safe quiet place.
A couple of years ago I was feeling really burned out and overwhelmed, all the things you have to do as a one person business, I felt I was doing them all badly! I joined #savvysolos to find training, but actually it’s the community that is the most helpful. I’m still bad at doing some stuff but now I don’t care! I can’t do everything all the time and I am kinder to myself. I know I am great at designing and making and that’s what matters.
#TEAMsavvy #meetthemember #savvysolosbizclub #savvysolosmembers #handmademetal #addsomecolour #handmadejewellery #northumberland #tinythings #worklifebalance #doingwhatidobest

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